10. September 2019

I enjoy writing screenplays, novels, short stories/films, poetry, and of course blog posts. I have a Bachelor’s degree in English and spent a semester abroad in London studying art and theatre. One of my favorite ways to get inspiration for a story is to travel around the UK, especially the Isle of Man.
I have always loved stories in every form. I’m an avid reader and movie goer, and I read everything I can get my hands on. My super smart sister-in-law manages to get me to read really interesting nonfiction every once in a while, but mostly I prefer YA Fiction/Fantasy or middle grade adventures. I love mythology and fairytales, like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I also really enjoy criminal mysteries, such as Sherlock, and am a sucker for spy stories like I’d Tell You I Love You But Then I’d Have to Kill You.
Performing is another one of my passions. I acted as Annabeth in the Untangling Tessa web series, which was vastly different from my usual hobby of performing in musicals. I’ve done theatre for most of my life and love listening to Broadway soundtracks.
I started my first blog in 2015 and wrote articles for the Blithe and Bonny online magazine in 2016. I’ve done a bit of screenwriting for award shows, as well as written a short film that has been competing in various international festivals.
I currently tutor online students in English and Essay Writing, and try to keep track of my many writing projects.