01. June 2018
Famous in Love season 2 review
Paige returns as the leading lady of Locked… or the girl famous for being famous, as one director so eloquently puts it. But first, Rainer has to get out of rehab and decide to continue the movie. Meanwhile, everyone has their own new activities to occupy themselves while Rainer gets it together.
Paige and Cassie are acting in Jake’s movie, and taking a break from social media. Paige and Jake are officially a couple and basking in the glow of ignoring everyone’s disapproval… until Paige innocently posts a selfie with her new boy and realizes how much people blame her for not being their for Rainer while his life spirals out of control.
There’s so much drama revolving whether Paige should be with Rainer or Jake. I honestly think Jake is too self-obsessed and intense for Paige. Rainer would be good for her if his life wasn’t falling apart and he was actually willing to be mature and take responsibility.
Thankfully, we have the beautiful Cassandra to give us a break. Also, Alexis is crazy.
Cassie makes a breakthrough in her career and lands a spot in a scary movie, even impressing the director enough to get promoted and live a little longer. With Cassie, we get to see how young actresses are mistreated because of their determination to make a career. Cassie’s character is attacked but she has to endure actually being choked and manhandled.
By the end of the season, Cassie has the chance to be in the next big movie in Hollywood and I really hope she gets it.
There are some great new characters this season. Billy takes over Jake’s movie when Paige has to go back to Locked, and ends up helping Jake rewrite the whole script as she completely changes the character he wrote for Paige. I really like Billy, she’s super intense and driven. She never wants to get in the way of Jake and Paige’s relationship, she just wants to work. She and Jake work really well together and make a great movie.
And seriously, she has the best lines.
I really love the dialogue in this show. The characters are funny and interesting and don’t shy away from calling each other out. This is Hollywood, people don’t have time to dance around the issue.
And no one does that better than Alexis.
Alexis has a new reality show that dishes on all the gossip, but surprise surprise, becomes too invasive and overwhelming. Tangey ditches her after spilling something a little too juicy and realizing that Alexis means cameras all the time.
So we get to meet another new character, Sloane, the daughter of Backsplash’s producer. Sloan has grown up in the film business while never actually being in the spotlight. She’s home from Harvard and ready to pursue her dreams. More importantly, she’s willing to be Alexis’s reality bestie. Side note, Sofia Carson has the sexiest voice.
Speaking of sexy, Rainer has a new leading lady in his life.
Harper is a child actor who ends up in rehab with Rainer, then moving in with him and taking over control of his life now that his mom is banished from his presence.
She gets Rainer involved in a charity that becomes his new passion… until he realizes Harper is just using him to relaunch her career.
Rainer is reeling from his life falling to pieces. He starts to realize how often he is being manipulated by the people around him, and how little control he has over his life. By the end of the season, Rainer has really matured and stepped up. He sees what’s wrong in his life and he does something about it. After he and Jordan recover from Jordan’s life hitting the fan, Rainer is in a much better place.
He ends the season on a
really good note, free from his mom and Harper, and ready to direct his first movie.
Which brings us back to Paige. Rainer and Page are closer than ever, becoming true friends as they work together and support each other. They’re both making big decisions about their lives and what they want. For the first time, it feels like both of them are in control.
Which is why season three should definitely bring us Rage, but we’ll see if season three happens at all.
Rage, for sure.
Cassie becoming a star, once and for all.
Jake and Billy doing a fabulous job making their movie, and Jake no longer being a douche.
Jordan winning an Oscar, also surviving Tangey’s crazy ex losing his mind. Also Jordan and Tangey getting back together. Also, Tangey taking control of her career without relying on anyone.
Rainer directing his new movie.
And last but certainly not least, Alexis continuing to be her seriously insane self.
Paige is so much tougher this season. She’s no longer the doe eyed starlet treating staring in a movie like a part time job. She understands the lingo, as well as the Hollywood subtext. She buys a house… then breaks her house with her stalker’s face. Her fame is only growing and she has to decide how to handle it.