03. April 2018
Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi review
Like most kids whose parents had seen the premier of the very first Star Wars movie, I was well aware of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. I never showed much interest in the movies and Episodes I through III didn’t inspire much motivation to change that.
But that changed when Episode VII released.
Rey was the desert scavenger turned super Jedi adventurer that Luke should have been, but never had the gumption for. Rey lives alone on a hot unforgiving planet, taking care of herself and any underdog droid who happens to wander by. As soon as she saves BB-8, she involves herself in the Resistance. Somehow she’s the best qualities of Luke, Leia, and Han.
I like how one of the main characters is an escaped storm trouper, it’s different than what they’ve done before. Rey and Finn immediately connect, after she beats him up of course, and form an alliance to return BB-8 to the Resistance. They are joined by Han Solo and Chewy, who are reunited with the Millennium Falcolm. Rey and Han swap piloting strategies, which is adorable.
We discover that Han and Leia had a son, Ben, who turned to the dark side and became Kylo Ren. His talents include wallowing in his feelings, losing his temper, torturing people when he doesn’t get his way, and having a very deep voice. Rey is the only one who can resist his powerful use of the force and Kylo can’t seem to leave her alone. Even after he captures her, Rey is determined to convince him to return to being Ben Solo.
But Ben Solo takes after his grandfather.
The dark side is now formed in the First Order. The Resistance is desperate to get in touch with Luke Skywalker, hoping as the last good Jedi he can swing the war in their favor. But once Rey tracks him down, he is in no hurry to leave his island. He teaches Rey about the force, much like Yoda taught him.
Rey learns how to be a Jedi and understand the force in hopes that she can bring the two sides, light and dark, together and restore peace in the galaxy. We see her develop her strength, a perfect match for Kylo Ren. They start as enemies, then become allies. I’m fascinated by their perfect balance in each other, her for the light and him for the dark. They are the yin and yang Jedi, each leading their side in hopes of ending this war once and for all.