06. July 2018
Supergirl Season 3 Review
Supergirl has returned with a third season that truly revels in its many strong characters, especially the women. This season has brought on a new epic takedown, along with some new faces and one familiar yet unexpected face.
After Mon El’s sudden and dramatic departure, Kara didn’t expect to see him again. I certainly didn’t either. And when he crash landed back in her life, it should have been good news. Right?
Much like everything with Mon El, the impossible Daxamite, nothing is simple.
While Kara has been spending the past seven months since she sentenced the love of her life to an unknown fate throwing herself into being Supergirl and saving the world, Mon El has spent seven years in a different century. Now he’s back, on a mission, and also he is married to the Greek goddess, sultry voiced Imra. Oh and Imra totally fan girls over meeting her hero while her poor hero deals with the fact that the man she thought she got back is actually married.
And I know the circumstances are supposed to make Imra the bad guy but I just really like her. I freaked out when I discovered that Amy Jackson is from the Isle of Man. It’s a gorgeous island in the Irish sea that’s a modern day Shire, and one of my favorite places. Everything about Imra is my favorite.
There are so many fantastic new characters this season. While Kara gets to deal with Imra following her around, determined to be supportive and tough, Lena hires Sam, a single mom CFO who takes charge of L-Corp while Lena learns the ropes at Catco. Lena gets to work more closely with James and Kara, figuring out the media world before realizing that she misses her true calling.
Sam quickly becomes close with Lena, Kara, and Alex. Her superhero loving daughter Ruby forms an especially strong bond with Alex, which reaffirms Alex’s goals of being a mom.
The character development just keeps getting better and better.
Kara rediscovers her super side when she saves Alex’s crashing plane way back when, then has to reclaim her humanity when dealing with the aftermath of potentially killing her boyfriend. She comes so far and makes such hugely effective decisions, even without Cat Grant lecturing her to own her power. Although, I honestly can’t think of a better job for Cat than press secretary. That was a delightfully genius move.
Alex has evolved the most. She faces who she really is and takes the leap to be honest with herself and loved ones. Then, when she has the love of her life, she has to give her up for a dream that she didn’t know she wasn’t willing to lose. I love how much Alex wants to be a mom. Motherhood isn’t always portrayed positively in media, and I love how a super tough intelligent and hard working woman turns her life upside down so that she has the chance to be a mom.
Winn upgrades Alex’s guns… finally.
Winn gets all the best one liners. My favorite is definitely “emotional bandwidth”. He’s my favorite nerd, I really love how he’s become the adorakle genius. He went from working for a screaming boss (though we love that screaming boss) and a pining best friend, to a computer hero who can keep up with a robot from the future. It will be sad to have him step back from the middle of everything, but Brainy is an acceptable replacement.
Speaking of Brainy, he and Imra absolutely planned to crash into this century. Imra was determined to defeat Pestilence before she wrecked havoc all the way to Imra’s true lifeline. Mon El is less than thrilled when he finds out her deception.
Something that the Kryptonian and the Daxamite have in common is how they handle stress, which results in Mon El training Kara how to use her cape as a weapon. An a
wesome discovery. Their training unearths Kara’s temper, with the help of a certain Martian losing his mind and spreading telepathic anger.
What’s really interesting is how Kara reflects back on her and Mon El’s relationship with a clear head. She identifies everything wrong with how they fell in love, proving further how far Mon El has come from the selfish prince who chose to run away while his people died… only way to go is up. They manage to recover from their past together and become even closer. They become true friends, just in time to be ripped apart again.
This show has evolved into something that could really go any direction. This season brought in so many amazing characters that explore good versus evil, the value of personal identity, outrunning fate, and even the effect of violence.
We get to see Lex’s mansion, which I definitely geeked out over, meet J’onn’s father, and see Kara stumble onto the new Krypton and her apparently alive mother. We’ve seen all the aliens and all the craziness, whether it’s extraterrestrial or journalism related. It will be really interesting to see what they do with the next season.
This season’s finale feels like the true height of alien chaos and it seems like they need to do something new and exciting with Kara. She’s had her cousin visit, and she got to go space traveling for a bit… Maybe time travel is in her future? Or perhaps she’ll have an epic showdown with Lena Luther after all, though Lena is fabulous and I wish she still loved Supergirl as much as Supergirl adores her.
The possibilities are endless and I can’t wait to see what they come up with.